i’m back and I’m better

Hey lovelies, I am extremely sorry for not blogging in about a month… I feel like I have been saying sorry ALOT lately, I just feel like its summer I want to be able to enjoy it before school starts again. I have been going out a lot last couple of weeks and exploring the beauty of Ontario. I will post pictures on it, but if any of you beauties live in Ontario you need to visit Tobermory it is the definition of BEAUTIFUL. I don’t want all of you to think that I lost interest in blogging or that I forgot about it because believe me I have not, if anything I have been thinking of ways to make my blog 100x better with new tips. Also I decided to post fashion tips and looks, I can be everyones own personal stylist through blogging….. how do you lovelies feel about that? please let me know..

Also look out for the blog post TOMORROW

p.s 135 followers are coming up and I will still be doing the giveaway.




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